¡Islandia, el mejor destino para viajar en 2024! Con las maravillas naturales, excursiones extraordinarias y siendo uno de los países más seguros para viajar, ¿por qué no aprovechas esta temporada para visitar una isla única y vivir una experiencia que nunca olvidarás? Deja de soñar y ven a Islandia. Consulta nuestra excelente oferta de viajes guiados, paquetes de alojamiento y coche, vehículos, autocaravanas de alquiler, excursiones y mucho más. Las vacaciones de tus sueños te están esperando.  Mantente al tanto de las últimas novedades sobre el coronavirus en Islandia y las restricciones y sigue al detalle otras noticias de Islandia en nuestra página. 

¡Sigue en directo la erupción del volcán Fagradalsfjall en Islandia! Este volcán de la Península Reykjanes, en el suroeste de Islandia, ha entrado en erupción. No te pierdas ningún detalle de la última erupción volcánica en Islandia. Y además, si estás en Islandia o vas a ir próximamente, ¡podrás ver la erupción del volcán con tus propios ojos! Para ello solo tienes que reservar la excursión a la erupción del volcán Fagradalsfjall o la excursión en helicóptero a la erupción 





These conditions refer to this specific Car Rental provider for vehicles starting with reservation code G


All rentals have a compulsory Collision Damage Waiver Included, this waiver carries an € 2000 self risk.

To further ease your mind we can offer you to further lower the risk by taking on a Super Collision Damage Waiver.

The Super Collision Damage Waiver lowers your self risk to a mere € 250 on standard cars and € 375 on 4x4 cars should you have an accident.

The fee is a per day charge.


Unpaved roads are very common in Iceland and as you head into the wilderness you are more than likely to drive accross gravel sections.

We offer Gravel Protection as an optional damage waiver which covers damages from gravel roads to the body of the car, the headlights and the front windscreen.

The fee is a per day charge.


Obligations of the renter:

  1. The renter agrees to the provisions of this contract and receives a copy of it.
  2. he renter/driver shall be at least 20 years old, and shall have held a valid driver's license for at least one year before the rental commences. The renter/driver of a luxury car or a motor home shall be at least 25 years old, and have held a valid driver's license for at least one year before the rental commences. The renter/driver of a larger vehicle (over 3500 kg total weight or more than 8 passengers) shall be licensed accordingly.
  3. The renter shall be responsible for the rented car from the time it leaves the Car Rental office until Car Rental registers the car as returned in its system.
  4. The renter shall return the car in the following manner:
    1. With all accessories (including tires, tools, documents and other items) in the condition they were in when received, with the exception of normal wear due to normal use. Any missing or damaged accessories may be charged at cost price to the credit card which the renter provided at the beginning of the rental.
    2. On the date and at the hour specified by this agreement, or sooner if Car Rental demands it. Any time changes must be done and agreed to in writing.
    3. To a Car Rental premises, unless other wise agreed in writing. Any car which is not returned directly to a Car Rental venue is subject to a drop-off charge according to the Car Rental price list. Any such charge may be charged from the credit card which the renter provided at the beginning of the rental.
    4. With a full tank of fuel. If a car is not returned full, Car Rental may charge the credit card which the renter provided at the beginning of the rental for the missing fuel, according to the Car Rental price list.
    5. Sufficiently clean, i.e. not excessively dirty. This means that the renter should remove all trash from the inside of the car and the interior should be free of dirt. The outside should not be excessively dirty, i.e. not covered in mud, tar or dirt. A car returned excessively dirty is subject to a clean-up fee according to the Car Rental price list. The clean-up fee may be charged from the credit card which the renter provided at the beginning of the rental.
  5. If the renter does not return the automobile at the time agreed upon in this rental agreement, or does not declare his intention to extend the lease, Car Rental or the police are authorized to repossess the vehicle without further notice and at the renter's cost. Extending the lease is dependent on the consent of Car Rental. If the renter returns the vehicle 1 hour or later after the lease has expired, Car Rental is authorized to demand up to 24-hours rental under the terms of this agreement. Any such charge may be charged from the credit card which the renter provided at the beginning of the rental.
  6. The vehicle shall be handled and driven carefully. Only those named as renter or driver on the first page of this agreement, and who fulfill the requirements in item 2, are authorized to drive the car. If the car is driven by a person other than those named on this agreement, all insurance policies are cancelled. The renter is then fully responsible for any damage of any kind, both to the car and other damage resulting from the use of the car. The cost of any such damage may be charged from the credit card which the renter provided at the beginning of the rental.
  7. The renter is objectively liable for damage resulting from the use of the car for which no compensation will be paid by the insurance company of the car. This includes damage to the car and/or injury to passengers due to the following:
    1. Driving where prohibited by law, i.e. off beaten tracks or marked roads, in unmarked paths or tracks, on beaches or other sandy areas, or any other trackless areas.
    2. Driving in or across rivers or any kind of water course
    3. Intentional acts or gross negligence.
    4. Use of intoxicants by the driver.
    5. Use of the car that contravenes Icelandic law and/or the provisions of this agreement.

The cost of any damage caused by any of the above actions, as well as all transportation cost of the car, may be charged from the credit card provided by the renter at the beginning of the rental.

  1. In the event of a collision or accident, the renter shall immediately notify the appropriate police authorities as well as Car Rental of the incident. The renter may not leave the scene before the police have arrived or an accident report has been filled out. Any damage to the car, which is not reported to Car Rental, is the responsibility of the renter regardless of any collision damage waivers (CDW or SCDW) taken out by the renter at the beginning of the rental.
  2. The number of kilometers (km) that the vehicle is driven while this rental agreement is in force is determined by reading a normal odometer supplied with the vehicle by the manufacturer. The renter shall notify Car Rental as soon as possible if the odometer is out of order or stops functioning during the term of the lease.
  3. The renter is responsible for any fines or charges that result from his use of the car. This includes but is not limited to parking, traffic, speeding and speed camera fines, and, parking meter and tunnel charges. A handling fee of €50 is charged by Car Rental for any official inquiry the company must answer, or any fine the company must pay due to the use of the renter/driver of the rented car.
    The renter agrees that this fee and the fine/charge may be charged from the credit card provided by the renter at the beginning of the rental.
  4. The renter/driver may not:
    1. Drive the car where it is prohibited by law, i.e. off beaten tracks or marked roads, in unmarked paths or tracks, on beaches or other sandy areas, or any other trackless areas. Any renter/driver caught in breach of this article is subject to a fine of €2,000 by Car Rental in addition to the fine charged by the police. The renter agrees that these fines may be charged from the credit card provided by the renter at the beginning of the rental.
    2. Drive the car on mountain or highland roads, or roads marked "F" on a map or a road sign, including Kjolur (road 35), Kaldidalur (road 550) and Sprengisandur (road 26) routes, unless the car is a 4 wheel drive or all wheel drive, intended and accepted for such use by Car Rental. Any renter/driver caught in breach of this article is subject to a fine of minimum €500, plus one euro (€) for each km driven on a restricted road. The renter agrees that this fine may be charged from the credit card provided by the renter at the beginning of the rental.
    3. Operate the car under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances.
    4. Drive in or across water or rivers of any kind, without assuming all responsibility for the car.
    5. Drive in banks of snow, or ice, on glaciers, or on frozen lakes.
    6. Smoke in the car. If there is evidence of smoking in the car, such as stubs, ashes or odor, the renter shall pay a clean-up fee of minimum €100.- The renter agrees that this fee may be charged from the credit card provided by the renter at the beginning of the rental.
    7. Take the car anywhere outside of Iceland without written permission from Car Rental and the insurance company of the car.
  5. Car Rental is not responsible for the disappearance of or damage to property that the renter or any other party leaves in or transports with the vehicle.
  6. The renter agrees to pay Car Rental upon request:
    1. A deposit amounting to the estimated cost of hiring the car.
    2. Any and all expenses incurred by Car Rental if the company has to bring the car back to its premises, in the event that it has been left somewhere without supervision, without regard to the condition of the vehicle, the roads, or the weather.
    3. Any other charges that may arise from the renter's use of the car.
  7. The renter is not authorized to have repairs done or make changes to the car or its accessories, or to put the vehicle up as any kind of security, without the prior consent of Car Rental.
  8. The renter is not authorized to use the vehicle to transport passengers for payment, loan it to others, or sublease it.

Obligations of Car Rental:

  1.  Car Rental undertakes to supply a clean car at the agreed time with a full tank of fuel. If Car Rental cannot supply the car ordered at the right time, a car of similar or higher class will be offered instead. If the renter does not receive a car within 4 hours from the agreed time, the rental charges for the day will be dropped. If Car Rental does not supply a clean car, any clean-up fees at the end of the rental are waived. If Car Rental does not supply the car full of fuel, the renter may return the car with the same fuel level as received, and no refueling charge will be charged.
  2.  Car Rental guarantees that the car meets the demands made for it, and that all official registration standards are met.
  3. If the car malfunctions due to normal wear and tear, or for other reasons beyond the renter's control, Car Rental shall supply the renter with a comparable vehicle as soon as possible, or arrange to have repairs done as soon as possible by a Car Rental service partner. In a case of such malfunction, Car Rental does not pay compensation to the renter, neither because of accommodation or other costs incurred. If the renter is without the use of the rented car for a period over 24 hours, a refund will be made for a lost rental day.
  4.   Car Rental shall inform the renter of the content of this agreement, particularly as regards the obligations that the renter undertakes by signing it.
  5.   Car Rental shall inform a foreign renter regarding Icelandic traffic regulations, traffic signs, and regulations banning off-road driving. Car Rental shall particularly point out the dangers stemming from animals on the roads.
  6. If Car Rental wants to limit use of the vehicle with regard to its equipment and/or road conditions, this shall be done in writing when this agreement is signed.
  7.   Car Rental undertakes to maintain valid liability insurance for its business operations.
  8.   Car Rental takes no responsibility for items stowed in the car by the renter or any other party.

Insurance and own risk:

  1. The rental fee includes mandatory vehicle insurance, including liability insurance and accident insurance for the driver and the owner.
  2. Third-party liability insurance will consist of the amount stipulated by Icelandic law at any given time.
  3. In case of damage to the car, the renter is fully responsible. The renter can purchase a separate accident insurance against damages to the car, a collision damage waiver (CDW), which sets the amount which the renter is responsible for, in each case of damage, to the amount stipulated on the front of this agreement. Any renter, who has purchased CDW, can also purchase a super collision damage waiver (SCDW), which further reduces the amount the renter is responsible for, in each case of damage, to the amount stipulated on the front of this agreement. The renter agrees that the amount of self-risk stipulated on the front of this agreement may be charged from the credit card provided at the beginning of the rental.
  4. This accident insurance does not cover:
    1. Intentional damage or damage due to gross negligence on the part of the driver.
    2. Damage resulting from the driver being under the influence of alcohol, stimulants or sedatives, or in any other way incapable of driving the vehicle in a safe manner.
    3. Damage due to race or test driving.
    4. Damage due to war, revolution, civil unrest, or riots.
    5. Damage done by animals.
    6. Holes burned into seats, carpets, or mats.
    7. Damage affecting only wheels, tires, suspension, batteries, glass (other than windows), radios, or loss by theft of parts of the vehicle and damage resulting from this.
    8. Damage caused by driving on rough roads, e.g. to the transmission, the drive or drive shaft, and other parts in or attached to the chassis. Damage to the chassis, or any part of the car, resulting from the vehicle scraping bottom on rough roads. The same applies to damage occurring when stones are thrown up, striking the underside of the car when being driven. The underside of the car is not insured.
    9. Damage resulting from driving in places where driving is banned, such as paths, tracks, banks of snow, ice, un-bridged rivers or streams, beaches, places only accessible at low tide, or other trackless areas. This means that there is no insurance on the car when crossing rivers or driving in water of any kind. River crossing must be done with extreme care.
    10. Damage to the car caused by driving on mountain roads and roads marked F on a map or a road sign, including the Kjölur (road 35), Kaldidalur (road 550) and Sprengisandur (road 26) routes. (This does not extend to 4wd and all wheel drive cars accepted by Car Rental for use on mountain roads - They are insured on all marked roads and tracks).
    11. Water damage to the car, its electrical system, accessories or engine.
    12. Damage caused by sand, gravel, ash, pumice, or other kinds of earth material being blown onto the vehicle.
    13. If the vehicle is transported by sea, no compensation will be paid for damage caused by sea spray/seawater.
    14. In other instances, reference is made to the general conditions for accident insurance (Icelandic: kask—trygging) as set by VIS insurance company at

The renter agrees that any damages not covered by the insurance of the car may be charged from the credit card provided at the beginning of the rental.

  1. The renter may purchase special waivers for damages or loss caused by gravel (GP) or theft (TP) from Car Rental. These waivers lower the self-risk of the renter in each case of damage caused by gravel, or loss due to theft, to zero.
  2. No insurance covers damages to the underside of the car, to the tires and wheels of the car, or damages caused by water when driving over rivers, pools of water or in lakes. The same applies if the renter puts fuel, water, oil or other solvents in a wrong tank on the car.
  3. The self-risk fees with CDW or SCDW do not extend to any of the above damages. The renter bears all risk and all cost of such damages.

General provisions:

  1. The renter confirms with his or her signature on this rental agreement and/or attached damage report that he or she has received the car and its accessories in sound condition.
  2. This rental agreement shall remain in the car during the term of the rental.
  3. Prepaid rentals are fully refundable and editable until 00:00 hours of the day before the rental begins. After that time no refunds will be made for cancellations. Any changes to the rental are subject to availability. Early returns are only refundable if Car Rental can rent out the early returned car again within the early return period.
  4. Geysir is authorized to take over possession of the car at its discretion and without notice if the car has been illegally parked or used in a manner that does not confirm with the conditions of this rental agreement or law and regulations, or if the car appears to be abandoned. Any cost arising from such measures shall be born by the renter.
  5. Smoking is prohibited in all Car Rental vehicles. A cleaning fee of minimum €100 is charged when there is evidence of smoking in the car.
  6. Additions and amendments to the conditions and provisions of this rental agreement shall be made in writing and confirmed in writing by a Geysir representative.
  7. By providing his/her credit card details to Car Rental, the renter agrees with his/her signature on this rental agreement that Car Rental is authorized to charge the card for the rental fee and any other fees, charges or fines that may arise from this rental agreement. This includes:
    1. Item 4.a) Missing or damaged accessories.
    2. Item 4.c) Drop off charges.
    3. Item 4.d) Fuel charges.
    4. Item 4.e) Clean-up charges.
    5. Item 5. Late return and related costs.
    6. Item 6. Damages to the car by others than renter/driver.
    7. Item 7. Damages to the car by the renter/driver.
    8. Item 10. Fines and handling fees.
    9. Item 11.a). Fines for driving where prohibited by law.
    10. Item 11.b) Fines for driving normal cars on mountain roads.
    11. Item 11.f) Fines for smoking in the car.
    12. Item 26. Self-risk for CDW or SCDW.
    13. Item 27. Damages not covered by the insurance of the car.

This right shall remain with Car Rental  until six months after the rental ends.

  1. This rental agreement, and any agreements, made on the basis of this agreement and its provisions, fall under the auspices of Icelandic law. This includes any claims for compensation that might be made. This applies both to the basis for and the calculation of compensation. The same applies to claims for damages based on liability outside this agreement. If legal disputes arise concerning this lease agreement, they will be heard before Car Rental's legal venue, the district court of Reykjanes, Iceland.
  2. Any disputes between the parties to this rental agreement can be submitted to the active Arbitration committee of the Icelandic Consumers Association and the Icelandic Travel Industry Association.

Si nunca has considerado viajar a Islandia, párate a pensarlo

Islandia es realmente un paraíso natural mágico y en 2024 debería recibir el máximo número de visitantes en su historia. ¿Por qué viajar a Islandia precisamente ahora? Islandia todavía ofrece muchas zonas con naturaleza intacta y fanómenos naturales que no se pueden ver en otros lugares del mundo. Con nuestra amplia oferta de coches en Islandia o  autocaravanas de alquiler podrás explorar Islandia por tu cuenta y en total libertad. Recuarda que es importante prereservar todos los servicios con varios meses de antelación para asegurarte la disponibilidad y los mejores precios. La demanda en para Islandia en los últimos dos años es más grande que la oferta y por eso recomendamamos que inclos los tours que no quieres perderte reserves ya. Uno de los ejemplos de excursiones que son geniales de experiementar y tiene plazas agotadas al legar a la isla son estas: gira en barco anfibio sobre la laguna Jokuslarlon, avistamiento de ballenas en lancha rápida en Húsavík, extraordinaria experiencia con el tour dentro del volcán, trineo de perros o excursión en el glaciar Vatnajokull desde Skaftafell. Tal como dice nuestro eslogan... ¡Deja de soñar y ven a Islandia!

Consulta la oferta de coches de alquilerautocaravanas y furgonetas, el traslado directo desde el aeropuerto con Airport Direct y los viajes y paquetes de agencias islandesas y españolas. Y no olvides realizar las reservas para el verano con varios meses de antelación ¡no te pierdas las vacaciones de tus sueños!

Aquí encontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el turismo en Islandia y varias opciones para que puedas disfrutar de este maravilloso país al máximo. Te presentamos muchas ideas diferentes para tus vacaciones, independientemente del tipo de turismo que estés buscando en Islandia, ya sea turismo económico (vuelos low cost) o de lujo. Existen opciones para todos los bolsillos. Tanto si estás pensando en alquilar un cochecomprar un billete para volar a Reykjavík (vuelos a Islandia), ir de luna de miel o participar en un torneo de golf, aquí tienes todo lo que el turismo en Islandia te puede ofrecer.

Islandia no solo ofrece un paisaje imposible de ver en cualquier otro lugar del planeta sino que, además, presenta innumerables actividades para disfrutar de sus vacaciones / su viaje. Esta isla situada en el extremo de Europa, con 378.500 habitantes en 103.000km2, con su bella capital Reykjavík, con sus volcanes (que inspiraron a Julio Verne), sus géiseres, icebergs y fiordos, sus increíbles cascadas y sus caballos en libertad, reúne unos atractivos que no puedes encontrar en otros países.

Durante tu viaje a Islandia podrás disfrutar de una comida y cultura espectacular, podrás sentir una atmósfera mágica a la que contribuye no sólo la geografía, sino también sus criaturas místicas y sus Elfos. Te invitamos a que este año disfrutes del turismo en Islandia, de sus fantásticas montañas, de sus saludables aguas geotermales y de sus excursiones únicas a volcanes, glaciares y parques naturales. Puedes hacer trekking, rafting, jugar al golf, observar las ballenas, montar a caballo y sacar las fotos más increíbles con los vuelos sobre Islandia o Groenlandia.

"Deja de soñar y ven a Islandia."


 ~TURISMO EN ISLANDIA - el viaje de tu vida ~